Nar-Anon Family Groups
A 12-Step Program for Family & Friends of Addicts



Nar-Anon events are gatherings where members come together and share their experience, strength, and hope. They can happen during one or many days, often during a weekend.


Activities: Nar-Anon gatherings or collaborations which either recur on a schedule or are ongoing. Examples are a monthly workshop and the continual appeal for member written literature.

If you are hosting Nar-Anon activities, please send any flyers, registration forms, etc. in PDF to

New Year, New You

Date: December 31, 2024- January 1, 2025

Name: New Year New You #5 - 24 Hr House Party

Location: Web-based video conferencing too

Website Roundtable

Date: January 4 , 2025

Name: New World Service Website - Progress!

Location: Web-based video conferencing too

Delegates Roundtable

Date: January 5, 2025

Name: Regions Helping Other Regions

Location: Web-based video conferencing too

Central California Convention

Date: January 18, 2025

Name: Central California Convention in cooperation with Monterey Bay NA Convention

Location: Monterey, CA

7 Night Recovery Cruise

Date: Feb 2-9, 2025

Name: 1st Annual Recovery Cruise 

Location: Miami to Virgin Islands

Eastern PA Reginal Convention

Date: March 7- 8, 2025

Name: Eastern PA Reginal Convention

Location: Glenside, PA

In Cooperation with OCNA 41

Date: May 24, 2025

Name: Recovery: Finding Ourselves

Location: Hamilton, OH

Nar-Anon European Convention

Date: July 18-20, 2025

Name: Nar-Anon European Convention

Location: Maassilo, Rotterdam